Higher Education
For the past several years, the firm has represented the Council for Higher Education (CEH) and the Planning and Budgeting Committee which operates on its behalf.
The Council for Higher Education is the government entity responsible for all higher education matters in Israel; therefore its representation includes the handling of all aspects relating to higher education in Israel. The level of professionalism required from the firm’s legal teams is extensive, due to the fact that advising the Council for Higher Education as a regulator necessitates involvements in all proceedings relating to the Israeli higher education field.
The firm provides ongoing consulting regarding various legal questions relating to the administrative law and constitutional law fields, which arise from the activities of the Council for Higher Education and the Planning and Financing Committee; and represents these entities in civil and administrative claims in the various courts, and provide professional opinions regarding various legal questions arising from their work.
In addition, the attorneys advise on legal issues arising from the Council for Higher Education’s regulatory activities and from its relations with the higher education institutions and the government ministries.